America is the True Old World – Paperback

Hello, my name is Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey, and I am proud to introduce to you my new book entitled, “America is the True Old World,” but first let me tell you more about myself. I am a honorary 33 degree mason, Metaphysician, Historian, Philosopher, Paralegal, Researcher, Poet, Published Author, Crown Knight of Kush, and Ghostwriter. I am 40 years old and loving life in beautiful South Florida. I spend most of my time with my family and friends, so I do consider myself to be a family man and a team player. Now, let’s discuss my new book.

The book, “America is the True Old World” (Vol., I), is destined to rewrite the history books, due to the topic of the book, if proven correct, because the old world is suppose to be the East and not the West. This book reveals the discovery of the Lost Continent of Mu, the discovery of Atlantis, the discovery of the Garden of Eden, and so much more. This book has 40 color illustrations to highlight the Beauty of Old World America.  This book is volume I of a IV volume eBook series that covers 12 chapters, so there is more to come. Volume I, eBook Chapters include: Chapter 1: America is the True Old World (Vol., I); Chapter 2: India Superior was in North America (Vol., I); and Chapter 3: Ancient Sumer was in the Americas (Vol., I).

This book is actually an open challenge to any and all scholars, whether they be professional or amateur scholars. I don’t rely on any degrees from western Colleges to qualify me to write this eBook, because I will let the evidence that I present qualify this book as factual. I am of the firm belief that it is the current established western academia model of history, which is the Out of Africa Theory, is the main reason why none of the discoveries listed in this books are not known and are not talked about if known, because no one wants to go against established western academia. To go against Western Academia is to be label a fraud and an incompetent person, so I understand why the information in this book is not known or either not talked about. We are in the age of Aquarius, which is the Information Age/the Age of Knowing, so everything that was hidden will come to light.

Over the last hundreds of years, people have infatuated with ancient civilizations like Sumer, Egypt, and India. However, those civilizations could never be in the NEW World (the Americas), because this landmass was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, which is what they teach us in school. As a result of most people believing that the Americas is the New World, most people are completely wrong about how old the Americas are and that the said ancient civilizations were also in the Americas too. This book is designed to set the record straight.

In this post is an image of  a Olmec head. The Olmec’s (old Mexicans) were your first Americas and, probably, your first humans too. The Olmecs were some of the survivors of the Atlantis disaster. I say this because no Olmec head has been found in Africa, so therefore the Olmec’s did not come from Africa, which is contrary to what western academia believes. The Olmec head image in this post is undoubtedly that of a Mu’ur/ Moor (Negro) from Mu. Mu means Mother, according to James Churchward in his the Lost continent of Mu, book. The Olmecs were Mu’urs, because they come from MU/Meru/Meri/Mary. MU is code for Mu’urs. The headdress of the Olmec resembles a Fez. You can even see the tassel on the front of the fez and you can see tassels on the back of the Fez too with the other Olmec image I have shared in this post of the back view of the Olmec head.

Please, support me and the research that I have done to write this truly revolutionary History book by purchasing it for $16.50 on Amazon at:, or you can get it by clicking on the Purchase Tab above. You can also donate to my cause by clicking on the PayPal button below. Any Amount will be appreciated, because all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless you and yours. Peace and enjoy.
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Are Coffee Trucks Profitable? How I made over 11k in One Month on the Coffee Truck..

Wanna know how much a coffee truck can make?

Over $11,000 in one month on this coffee truck. Our margins were exceptionally high this month, with the overhead sitting at less than $2,000.

There was 3 large events that really propelled our income forward.

The first was a hot chocolate contract that I had gained the year previous. However, this year they tripled their order. We had ended up serving 6,988 cups of hot chocolate at 0.97 cents each. Cost per cup was 0.09 cents each. As you can see, this one turned a penny.

The next large event was a holiday market where I sold hot coffee and hot chocolate at $3 each. Cost per cup was 0.24 cent each. We grossed just shy of $2400. However, I had labor cost on this one. So, I didn’t quite make the same profit percentage, but gross sales were high, so I was happy!

The third event was a movie set from Netflix. I typically charge $299/hour for movie sets because we get bombarded with drink order (some 100 per hour). This one they needed me for 9 hours. I cut them a bit of a deal, but not much to be frank, as I was already over worked at this point. I charged $2250 for this one.

There were a few other events we did, however come the end of the month I was smoked and needed some desperate time off. My second daugther was born on January 4th and I decided to take the next 5 weeks off.

So can coffee trucks be profitable? I’d say so…but you also work your ass off. So there’s always a trade off…

If you want to see a video with a bit more info, visit my YouTube here:

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Mobile Coffee Food Truck?

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Mobile Coffee Food Truck?
In this blog post, I attempt to cover the main expenses of the cost of starting a profitable mobile coffee truck. I cannot tell you enough, that I have seen countless business owners go out of business because of failure to make their loan payments. I believe the coffee truckers hold true to this a bit more the others, so please, please, please tread lightly. Do your research. Understand what you need vs what you want. Ask yourself, is this purchase going to help sell coffee. I know you want those leopard print seat covers and pink fuzzy dice blinging in the shine of your disco lights, but Is It Going to Help You Sell Coffee?
Step 1: Truck vs Trailers
Trailer can be found as cheap as $500, but look for rust. Last thing you need is your frame to break en route to an event. Your little cute coffee truck will split so bad, Humpty Dumpty will be jealous. Horse trailers are cute and affordable. So mull that over. I have a whole section on how to pick trailers and trucks in the ebook…expect to pay at least 2k for a decent trailer.
Trucks are much more pricey. I price them around 10k, for a decent one. You may be able to shop around and find something cheaper. Right now I have my eye on a Ford Transit. I’m seeing them in my local 500 mile radius sell for about 15k for 50-75k on the engine. I would try to keep this below 20k if you can…
Espresso machines have a wide variety of prices. The problem with buying one online is you cannot test it. So that cuts down your options real quick. Used espresso machines go for about $1k-1500. Refurbished $3k and up. New $7k and up. Personally, I get refurbished. You can always buy new and refurbish yourself if your handy…
Grinder is $500.
Electric, plan on $1k. Conduit, sockets, installation, lights, yada…unless you’re an electrician, get this done professionally. Risk vs. Reward. You don’t want your truck to burn down.
Plumbing $1k material and $1k labor. You can shave some cash off here by getting an apprentice from your local community college to install or you can give it a shot yourself.
Flooring, insulation, walls add up to $1k-$1.5k. Check out your local lumbar store to see if they have sales on vinyl floors or laminate. You can get some good deals there.
Service windows depending on the code can range from $200 to $1000. 
Paint jobs can get pricey. A DIY job cost around $500-800. A professional is $1500 to 2k. And a wrap is 3k+. Side note, I’m not a big fan of wraps. At my altitude and humidity I see them fall apart and I’m yet to justify the cost. If you have a design that you cannot part with, consider getting a partial wrap instead.
Coffee makers…can range. Pourover and French Press are a cheap way to get started but cannot brew much at a time. Cold brew can serve large audiences when done right (see ebook for recipes). Commercial coffee makers run around $400. Airpots are $40 each and you need 5. So somewhere around $500.
Fridge can be bought used. $800+ Check craigslist and such. Make sure the compressor is commercial though…a lot of slick talkers will swap a commercial compressor with a residential compressor and sell it at commercial cost…
Supplies will cost you about $400 for your first month. Cups, straws, sugars, syrups. I have a full list of supplies in the ebook. Now, if you are setting up a route or a drive thru, consider adding an extra $500 of free coffee here. In my humble opinion, if you give away your first month coffee, you have a great chance of starting a following. If you can’t afford this, consider steeply discounting your first month. Everytime I started a new route, it significantly jump started my business. My 2 cents.
Permits, commissary kitchen, licenses are around $400. Give or take…
All in all, in my humble opinion, a smart trucker can get a trailer started for less than $10k. If you get a good deal on a trailer and espresso machine, you can probably get started with close to $5k-6k.
A truck is a bit more. I think setting aside $20k is about right. My last truck cost me just over $15k to start, but I refurbished my own espresso machine.
Hope this helps! If you’re starting to get serious, check out the ebook and business plan! They’re a big help!

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Neuropax: Chronic pain (sports injury pain)

Getting Injured While Playing Sports Is Easier Than Most People Think. All it takes is a stumble or fall, and you can end up with a lasting injury. That is why it is so essential that we learn to recognize our body’s limits when we participate in any sort of physical activity or play sports.
Here at Neuropax Clinic, specialists in Peripheral Nerve Surgery, we are experts in sports injury and its most unfortunate consequence, chronic pain.
Let us teach you how you can best avoid sports-related injuries and what to expect if you get one.
The term Sports Injury is an umbrella term that describes any injury that occurs during physical activity or exercise, regardless of whether it is a competitive or recreational practice. It is important to note that many sports injuries occur, not accidentally, but through bad habits and poor form during exercise. Sometimes people can get hurt simply by failing to stretch or doing a proper warm-up routine.
The most common causes of sports-related injury include:
●     Falling, tripping, or stumbling.
●     Insufficient stretching or warming up prior to the activity.
●     Failing to wear protective equipment.
●     Poor form or improper technique.
●     Muscle overload.
●     Overexertion or excessive training.
●     Lack of concentration or coordination
As a result, the most common sports injuries are:
●     Ligament strains
●     Muscle and tendon tears
●     Knee overextension injuries
●     Muscle inflammation
●     Achilles tendon injuries
●     Wrist pain
●     Elbow pain
●     Groin hernia
●     Fractures
●     Dislocations
These ailments can be classified into two different types of injury: acute and chronic.
Acute Injuries: Occur suddenly while exercising as the result of a single traumatic event. They are the most frequent and include sprained ankle, fractured wrists, dislocated joints, and muscle strains.
Chronic Injuries: These occur after playing a sport or exercising for a long time as a result of the overuse of a muscle group. The most common chronic injuries are stress fractures, bone splints, tennis elbow.
Symptomatology of Sports Injury
The symptoms of sports injuries vary according to whether the injury is acute or chronic.
Symptoms of an acute injury include:
●     Sudden pain
●     Inflammation
●     Inability to rest on the affected limb
●     Soreness
●     Inability to flex the affected joint
Symptoms of a chronic injury include:
●     Constant Pain
●     Inflammation
Sports Injury Treatment
Treatment of a sports injury depends entirely on its given type and the degree of severity. Therefore, it is imperative that, in the presence of a suspected sports injury, the patient visit a specialist who can correctly diagnose the injury and provide the most appropriate treatment for it.
Common treatments include:
●     Anti-Inflammatory medications.
●     Immobilization of the affected limb with slings, splints, casts, and other types of immobilizing devices.
●     Rehabilitative therapy.
●     Rest.
Sometimes, if the pain becomes persistent after a chronic sports injury, peripheral nerve surgery may be the only method of achieving relief from the pain. The vast majority of patients are able to return to normal activities after this type of headache surgery.
The experts at Neuropax Clinics regularly treat athletes for a variety of chronic conditions that are related to peripheral nerve damage and provide lasting relief from the crippling pain associated with sports injuries.
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UK Business Registration

How Asia-Based E-Commerce Companies Keep their European Customers Happy with Their Service

The power of feedback and reviews is apparent. As an Ecommerce Accountant business-owner, you know that customer satisfaction is paramount to your success. Whatever feedback your consumers leave on the E-Commerce platforms — that you list your products on — serves as a basis on whether or not your future customers will purchase or repurchase from you.

You would think that catering to your customers from the other side of the world is the most difficult task of them all. China-based E-Commerce sellers are often intimidated by the standards that the European market demands. But those who have taken the bold move of expanding in Europe know that once you penetrate the market there, the only direction that their business is headed to is continuous and further success.

But how exactly were these China-based E-Commerce businesses able to successfully penetrate the European market? And what steps should a growing enterprise take to boost their brand? Read on to find out.

1. An efficient fulfilment

The European market demands efficiency in their purchases – from product order to delivery. If you’re shipping your goods from China, or anywhere else in Asia, it’s evident that the process will take days or even a week before they arrive to the customer.

Not all consumers understand that product shipping undergoes an extensive amount of measure and necessary precautions. As a result, the customers will leave a negative feedback on your E-Commerce platforms and consider their order delayed – which puts your business in a detrimental position.

A solution to the inefficient shipping process is to store your goods near where you market is. If you’re catering to the European consumers, then storing your products in territories like the United Kingdom is optimal and strategic. B2B companies like Sterlinx offers a fulfilment service to address the B2C’s demand for a more rapid product delivery.

Sterlinx offers an innovative, quality-controlled, and carefully-supervised storage facility for China-based merchants so they can ship their products anywhere in Europe – Amazon FBA Accountants help their clients provide a fast and economical fulfilment solution to their customers.

2. Quality-controlled customer service

The European market is keen on acquiring various electronic devices that are inexpensive yet useful. And no other country can provide that to them than China. Operating and getting the purchased device to work, however, requires a thorough understanding of the product – which is hard for the consumer to learn right away.

Enquiring about a product — whether already purchased or not — is commonly done by the consumer to help them get a better understanding about the product that they’re interested in learning or owning. Even though the product that you offer is of superior quality, failing to address your customer’s need to have their queries answered and problems solved can dissuade them from repurchasing from you; or worse, leave a negative feedback on your online stores.

Sterlinx offers a virtual call centre to their clients to aid them in their customer service. Their Britain-based customer service representatives carefully study each of your products and will answer all enqueries related to it; they do so on your behalf – to ensure customer satisfaction.

3. A UK-based business

The European consumers always consider a business’ reliability and trustworthiness. As with many other companies in every industry, quality is sometimes overlooked – putting the other similar businesses in a bad light. Over the years, China-made products gained an unfavourable reputation, making it more difficult for the other merchants to market their products abroad.

To boost your brand’s credibility, you can opt to have Sterlinx register your business in the UK. Once you sign up with Sterlinx — and avail their company formation service — you will be provided a UK business registration address that you can use for marketing purposes; you may also use it as your official business address in any case that you wish to present one for further business ventures.

Your company’s reputation is vital. It’s what sets you apart from your competitors and what makes you stand out from the other businesses in the industry you’re in. If you wish to scale your business and penetrate the European market, consider availing Sterlinx’s services.

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Benefits of Zertomine mining colocation service

Mining cryptocurrencies, in particular currencies such as Ethereum (ETH), LiteCoin (LTC) or BitCoin (BTC), which is currently an extremely interesting financial instrument and investment, requires the most powerful RIG. First of all, it is a huge computing power and related requirements for the premises, providing electricity and ventilation. These are the main, but not all aspects that must be taken into account when mining crypto currencies.

Using Zertomine Mining Colocation Service

Placing a mining farm in a specialized hotel (mining colocation service) allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment and comprehensive protection against overheating or voltage surges. The state of the farm and the software are monitored around the clock by masters. In the hotel for mining, you can place asics and farms on video cards of any configuration and performance.

Benefits of Zertomine Mining Colocation service

You independently choose the necessary equipment;
You do not need to worry about the safety of equipment;
Your servers will always be provided with power and fast Internet.

Mining colocation uses industrial-grade enclosures with a width of 19 inches and a height of one installation unit (1U, approximately 4.5 cm). Such parameters are approved for the unification of all equipment and easier installation. In addition, it is possible to place cases of equipment of various formats, including tower and mining equipment.

Revenue from mining colocation service

When placing a mining farm in a data center, customers continue to receive a stable income from the operation of the equipment without the need to independently create optimal conditions, constantly monitor the temperature and condition of the equipment. The system offers a remote access mode, temperature sensors are installed for security, round-the-clock security is working. The specialists of the mining hotel will help you choose the components, configure the software, and your personal account. Order the best mining colocation plans of ZERTO INC at

Cryptocase Mining Colocation

Not so long time ago different companies has represented cryptocase mining colocation. It is a place where everyone can left his mining farm and it would be working continuously. You can imagine it as if you are renting some space with other miners and hiring a man who would have to keep all the computers stable.

How does mining colocation service work

Fortunately, you do not have to look for a space to rent and you do not have to look for another people who want to relocate their farms. You just have to find the nearest mining colocation service for example CRYPTOCASE LLC where you can leave your mining farm. First of all, you have to tell them more about your mining farm, so they would be able to find a spot for your computers.

Managers of mining colocation service will tell you how much you should pay for this spot and, what is more important, they will do all your job. They would care about electricity, stable internet connection and they will control mining processes. That’s why you would not care about your mining farm anymore – those people are able to do it for you.

The advantages of mining colocation

If you haven’t decided yet, you have to see all the advantages of mining colocation:

All the computers are placed inside of a big room which responds common safety rules. Your crypto is also safe.
More space in your house or apartment. Instead of keeping a mining farm in your house, you can make a free space by leaving big computers at mining colocation service.
You shouldn’t care about electricity and stable internet connection. If something bad is going to happened, manager will turn emergency power and extra Wi-Fi spot on.
You can leave a big mining farm inside of mining colocation. Sometimes miners do not have an opportunity to keep big mining farms at home, so you can remove it to mining colocation service.
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Home | Berkley Colocation

If you are striving to make mining process almost automatic, then you have to find the most suitable way to do it. If you want to care less about your mining, then you should find mining colocation. It is a place when every person could leave his computer or several computers safely. They are always working, and a person pays for the rent time to time.
How does mining colocation service works?
That service is similar to a simple rent. But in this way every miner is looking for a spot with a stable Internet connection. Such spots are able to contain up to hundreds and thousands of different computers which are working non-stop. Every second miners’ wallets are growing up. It is really wise decision for every miner to find mining colocation.
It is simply helps him to care less about electricity, safety and stable connection. People who are producing that service have just set all up. All you need to do is to find the nearest mining colocation and make a deal.
Why do you need to find mining colocation services?
It is impossible to say that mining is related to a high risk. But mining might be very nervous from time to time, because every miner should carry about cryptocurrency. Mining colocation becomes an ideal decision that would make miners’ lives less stressful. There are some advantages of mining colocation services:
• Miners are spending less time. You don’t need to check your computers every day. Mining colocation services are completing this task every day.
• You’re going to pay the bills with less money. Just because you don’t need more electricity, you shall save your own money so you can put it where you need. As an example, you can improve your computer.
• 24/7 stable Internet connection. Even if something goes wrong, mining colocation is providing extra Wi-Fi spots. This is how stable connection works inside of every mining colocation.

Berkley Colocation mining service
Berkley LLC offers intelligent data center colocation from facilities which are built in an intelligent way, from the ground up, to cater to the needs of Berkley’s customers. The data centers are in the right locations – located in and around Toronto’s metro – offering low latency and high connectivity and are designed specifically to offer the flexibility modern users need.

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Emergency Locksmith in Denver

If you haven’t encountered a lockout in your life before you may be a bit skeptical about how an emergency locksmith in Denver could be of any help to you. Don’t wait for the worst to happen. There are situations when you might need the help from a Denver Locksmith who can look into your broken locks, your dysfunctional keys and jammed doors. Hiring an emergency locksmith professional in Denver could be a total lifesaver. The following are some of the reasons you are better off calling the best Locksmith in Denver.

Locking Yourself outside Your Home

It is a very stressful situation when you happen to lock yourself outside your home. Whatever the reason is, a professional Denver locksmith knows how to open up your locks quickly and get you back in and where you need to be.

Locking Your Car Keys inside Your Car

No matter what the reason, locking your car keys inside your car is one of the worst things that could happen to you. It does not only waste a lot of your time, if you are not in touch with a reliable Denver locksmith in the you will end up spending a lot more effort and money on opening your vehicle to get out the keys. Therefore, it is always advised to have an experienced mobile Denver emergency locksmith close to you.

Instant Duplication and Rekeying

What do you do when you need a duplication of your keys? You will need the services of a reliable and skilled locksmith in Denver. They will not just provide you with a duplicate of your existing keys but also make sure that you have a brand new lock and key set in case you want to replace the entire system. For a reputable locksmith company in Denver call (303) 619-9136


Whether you have been locked out of your car, house, business or the key has broken in the lock itself, whatever the situation is, it causes stress and inconvenience. And obviously, picking the wrong locksmith will make this situation worse. Now, here comes the need to hire a Denver locksmith that is reliable, trustworthy, and knowledgeable. We’re a local Denver family-owned business that takes pride in serving our community. We keep up-to-date with the latest technology and training to ensure the best customer experience possible.

Identify the Needs

First and the most important thing before hiring the locksmith is to identify your needs. Whether you’re dealing with a car, home, or office lockout, we have the expertise to make getting back in as painless as possible. Go ahead and ask us questions. We think you’re going to like our answers.

Get the Referrals

Referrals are safe and especially for those who haven’t dealt with a Denver locksmith before. Asking for recommendations from friends or family can make it easy in choosing the right locksmith. If even after referrals you are unable to find the right locksmith according to your requirements then reading the testimonials of previous customers can give you insights into the experiences people had with their services. It can also help you in giving you an idea of how the company operates.

Licensed and Insured

Checking the certifications like license and insurance is also important to finding a good Denver locksmith. The company having a license means their quality of service and background is already checked by the local industry authority and one does not need to worry if the locksmith will be able to provide expert services.

Always remember that only a reliable Denver locksmith is going to get you out from your lock issues. But reliability and trust do not mean you need to hire an expensive locksmith in Denver as we are a locksmith company that offer affordable services. We also offer affordable 24 hour locksmith in Denver services for any commercial, automotive, and residential lock issues. We’re just a call away. (303) 619-9136

There is more than one reason you are going to need an emergency locksmith in Denver CO. If you have ever locked yourself outside your home or your car, you know what that feeling is like. You don’t want that happening again. For everyone who has never had such an experience before, the following is a list of things you could need a locksmith for:

  •       When you have locked your keys inside of the house
  •       You have lost your car keys
  •       When you forget your keys inside the car
  •       The key broke off inside of the lock
  •       You want to upgrade your home security
  •       When you are moving into a new home
  •       Your house has been broken into and your locks need replacing
  •       You forget your safe combination
  •       When you need recode your electronic keypad lock
  •       When key reprogramming services

Most people often forget the importance of a qualified locksmith in Denver, CO. They don’t know that a locksmith can and will do loads more than just open up a lock or create a duplicate a key when needed.
Hiring a professional locksmith in Denver should not have to be expensive. If you hire the wrong locksmith company you could end up paying double of what you would pay with Denver’s #1 trusted locksmith company Denver Locksmith. We help you help you save money on emergency locksmith services. We’re affordable, we’re fast, and we’re pros. No matter where you’re at – day or night – our 24 hour locksmith in Denver CO will get to you in minutes. Just call our Denver Locksmith at 303-619-9136 and get yourself back to where you need to be!
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Asicpower AP9-SHA256 Review

Asicpower AP9-SHA256 Review

Bitmain is regarded as one of the most influential companies in the ASIC mining industry. It is estimated that they have manufactured approximately 53% of all mining equipment.

Without including their mining profits, that’s around $140 million dollars in sales. These figures are staggering, but Bitmain’s monopoly of the Bitcoin ASIC market may come to an end, following the release of PowerAsic’s asicpower AP9-SHA256.

 About the asicpower AP9-SHA256

Designed with brand new technology and boasting 94 TH/s per miner, the AP(-SHA256 is the most powerful and efficient Bitcoin miner to date.

PowerAsic claims they spent $12 million dollars on research, development, and prototypes.

PowerAsic also noted that their miners take advantage of ASICBOOST, an exploit of Bitcoin’s algorithm which improves mining efficiency by 20%.

An unusual approach separate Powerasic’s miner to the other manufactures is the implementation of copper heat-sink claimed to have a superior thermal conductivity 69% better than aluminium. Don’t take their words for it but confirm the facts are correct on widely well known and published science documents as this one.

The first batch of miners were announced and made available for order in August of 2019, with start scheduled for shipment in September, 2019.

Powerasic claims that the machines are around 40 percent more productive than the most proficient ASIC on the market, Bitmain’s Antminer S17.

According to PowerAsic, they started a mining project with the aim to bring much needed competition to the market…We want to ‘make SHA256 great again.

Sitting at the hefty price of $2,795.00, the powerasic AP9-SHA256 is far from affordable for the average person. Fortunately, due to the newly born rivalry between Bitmain and Powerasic, the price will probably lower with time and competition.

The power supply for this unit is included and integrated in the top-box also including the controler card as a one unit. You will also get standard power cable, network cable, manual and software in the packet. In comparison to the price of the Antminer S17 , the Powerasic AP9-Sha256 is a better value.

Power Supply

The integrated PSU 3300W has a inputVoltage 220V 50Hz 30A. There are 2 fan 40mm., 1 fan 60mm to keep it cool and the power cable 3 legs following CEE 7 standard.

Professional mining hardware runs optimally at 220-240V, hence why mining farms step down their own electricity supply to 220-240V. Note that 220V current is only found outside of the US – American outlets are 110V by default. Unless you want to hire an electrician, this could cause some people trouble adapt to the eficient and recomended 220V power needed, still 110V will get the job done, but they are not ideal for optimum mining performance.

Power Consumption

Thanks to the powerasic AP9-HA256’s new 7nm generation of ASIC chips, the AP9-SHA256 has become the most electrically-efficient miner on the market.

Consuming merely 30.J/TB, or 2860W from the wall, the 16T is 30% more electrically-efficient than the Antminer S17.


Powerasic ’s new ASIC technology is impressive. When compared to its closest competitor, the Antminer S17, the powerasic AP9-HA256 is the clear winner. It hashes at 94 TH/s, as opposed to the S17’s 56 TH/s. Moreover, the the AP9-HA256 consumes 30J/GH, whereas the S17 consumes 39-45J/TB.

The difference in power consumption is miniscule, but when it comes to large-scale mining, the the AP9-HA256’s edge will drastically increase the profitability of a mining operation. This ASIC is profitable not only for mining on a large scale, but for the individual miner as well.

Take a look at the projected mining profitability of a single miner:

Note that is appears profitable even with high electricity costs ($0.1 per KW/h). With $0.05 / KW/h it’s even more profitable:

Each powerasic AP9-HA256 will generate about $6,009 per year (calculated with 1 BTC=$10,141.5). Mining profitability may vary. You can usethis free profitability calculator to determine your projected earnings.

Is powerasic AP9-HA256 a Scam?

There is been a lot of talk on Twitter that powerasic AP9-HA256 is a scam. It appears it is not, as many users are already claiming to have received their miners.

Slush, the creator ot Slush Mining Pool and the TREZOR hardware wallet, claims on Twitter that he has seen units and knows people who have had their miners delivered:

Verdict: Is The Antminer S17 Outdated?

When the first batch of Bitmain’s Antminer S17 ASICs reached the eager hands of miners, they were all the rage. The S17 was renowned as the most efficient ASIC miner on the market. Many used the S17 as the industry’s golden standard.

Up until the launch of the powerasic AP9-HA256, it was the golden standard.

But, now?

Things have changed.

Not only is the powerasic AP9-HA256 more powerful than its predecessor from Bitmain, but also more efficient, and therefore, more profitable.

Ever since the announcement of the new ASIC, there was widespread speculation of its legitimacy – and rightly so.

The Bitcoin community has been plagued with small, phony companies manipulating images of preexisting antminers as a ploy to hype up their fake products. Nevertheless, powerasic AP9-HA256 is taking things seriously, and their first batch of miners have lived up to expectations.

The fact of the matter is, Bitmain’s most powerful and efficient antminer has been dethroned by the new reigning king of ASICs: The powerasic AP9-HA256.


Bitmain has dominated the ASIC market since its inception in 2013.

There are a few other companies producing ASICs. However, before the creation of PowerAsics AP9-SHA256., Bitmain was the only company with a proven track record that sold efficient miners directly to the public.

Powerasic AP9-HA256 has the potential to bring Bitmain’s monopoly to an end. Powerasic AP9-HA256 has a bright future ahead of them. Now that Bitmain has noteworthy competition, it will be interesting to see how it affects the market.


The powerasic AP9-HA256 is the best option (for now) for anyone getting started with mining. Powerasic’s innovation should force other ASIC producers to innovate and force other companies to release new miners with better efficiency. So whether you’re buying a miner now or soon, you’re likely to benefit from the development of this new miner. For more, Visit Us: